Single Wives
Single Wives
Knocking Down Your Walls and Going to God
Date: 3/15/2022
Name of podcast: Everything You See
Episode title and number: Knocking Down Your Walls and Going to God
Episode Five Terri and Wendy discuss what it is like to choose God over going to the barricade. They share how this goes against our independent culture, but how fulfilling it is to do so. Terri and Wendy talk about various steps to being vulnerable before God. They encourage listeners to identify what type of relationship they are in both with a partner but with God as well. Being before God means being fully naked and vulnerable. They discuss God strengthening each person by how He proclaims the truth about their identity. Finally, they wrap up with allowing yourself to be delighted in by God.
1- Identify What Kind of Relationship you Have With Others
2- Identify What Kind of Relationship you Have With God
3- Going to God as you are, with your raw emotions and scars
4- Being Strengthened by God and Allowing Him to Identify You as His Masterpiece
5- Allow God to Delight in you
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