Single Wives
Single Wives
What Disorders and Injuries Could Be Impacting My Marriage?
Date: 3/01/2022
Name of podcast: Everything You See
Episode title and number: What Disorders and Injuries Could Be Impacting My Marriage? 03
This week is a little different, Terri and Wendy provide listeners with psychoeducation about possible relationship dynamics that impact a lack of emotional connection. They provide information on autism spectrum disorder, attachment disorders in adults, traumatic brain injuries, and trauma. Together they empower their audience to seek information, community, and resources when living in an emotionally absent or neglectful relationship. The main points of Episode Two include:
1- Spectrum autism disorder
2- Attachment disorders
3- Traumatic brain injuries
4- Personality disorders
5- Trauma
6- Equipping yourself to better understand dynamics impacting emotional connection in your relationship
This episode helps the listener identify possible tendencies present in their relationship that negatively impact emotional connection.
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